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  • Songea Road, Njombe Town, Njombe-Tanzania
  • Quality Agriculture Input Products

  • Service Provider Of All Time

Common questions

We help you take full advantage of the latest technologies giving advice, technical agronomic training and support at all project stages to make the most out of your facilities.

Commercial agriculture is the process of growing food for the purpose of selling it as a business venture. It is the opposite of subsistence farming.

Subsistence farming involves growing crops and raising animals for food.

Straw is made of dried stalks of cereal grasses and plants, commonly including wheat, barley, oats, rice, and rye. After the cereal grains are harvested, the remaining stalks are cut and dried, forming wheat.

Straw is not to be confused with hay, which are grasses and grains that are cut before fully maturing. Since the nutritional parts of the grasses haven't been harvested yet, hay is a nutritional source of food for livestock.

Agribusinesses are all enterprises that assemble, process and transform raw agricultural commodities into final products for distribution to local and international consumers.

Running the day-to-day operations of your family farm doesn’t leave a lot of time to market your crops. Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises can help you develop and implement a complete marketing plan to increase crop sales and profitability.

Agriculture is the science of soil cultivation, crop production, and livestock raising.