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  • Songea Road, Njombe Town, Njombe-Tanzania
  • Quality Agriculture Input Products

  • Service Provider Of All Time

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Beekeeping Equipment

Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises distribute and sell the best beekeeping supplies & equipment available to beekeepers throughout Tanzania. Whether you’re an experienced beekeeper or a new hobbyist, we can provide you with the proper equipment and information you need to be a successful beekeeper.

We supply bee tools, bee info and honey harvesting equipment, our focus is on promoting beekeeping skills development for the beekeeping industry in Africa, in the agricultural business sector.

Our Beekeeping Products

  • We retail Bee hives.
  • Honey settling tanks.
  • Honey extractors.
  • Beeswax extractors.
  • Beesuits.
  • Bee smokers.
  • Beekeeping courses.

Beekeeping tips

Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises

Beekeeping news/ information

Beekeeping and honey bees has been our business.
Our learning center and news are here to help you stay up to date on the latest beekeeping news and research, as well as the time-tested methods passed down to us.

Reach out to learn more

Why everybody loves us

We supply top-of-the-line ”bee ready” bee hives for personal and commercial bee projects of all types including BeePak, Bee Bunka Cement, and Langstroth Bee hives.

Our bee suits are tried & tested by commercial beekeepers as well as bee removal services personnel.

We supply quality honey centrifuges, honey extractors and honey processing equipment.

Another essential beekeeping tool.
Every time you go to a hive, to inspect internally, smoke the bees.