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  • Songea Road, Njombe Town, Njombe-Tanzania
  • Quality Agriculture Input Products

  • Service Provider Of All Time

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Mkombozi Agribusiness

We work with different types of farmers in a range of regions, from dry rangelands to lush, diverse forests.
Their situations may vary, but these small-scale farmers face increasing economic and environmental challenges.

We help farmers to increase their harvests, build their incomes and sustain natural resources, partnering with governments and the private sector to find effective ways to fight poverty.
We also work closely with local communities, who actively participate in all the decisions about our work

Our Services and products

  • Agriculture Inputs
  • Beekeeping Equipment
  • Supply of Greenhouses
  • Waterpumps and Irrigation
  • Soil Kits Test
  • Fisheries Equipment

Agronomic queries

Mkombozi Agribusiness Enterprises

Connect with us

If you want information on how to fertilize a crop correctly or have any other type of agronomic query, do not hesitate to contact our technicians.

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Training and consultancy